We bring you greetings in the Mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We welcome you to the our website, but most of all we extend to you a personal invitation to enter into the realms of our fervent fellowship to experience spirit moving singing and life changing preaching.
We are simply…”The friendliest church in town” and we would like to show you firsthand. And after the curtains have dropped on your visit, it is our prayer that your testimony will be, “It was good for us to have been here!” Now in the words of Apostle Paul: “I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified” (Acts 20:32)
In His service,
Xerxes M. Snell
Senior Minister
Church of Christ at Ninth Street

The Holy Bible is inspired of God and it is living, infallible and inerrant. Every word is pure and a shield to them that put their trust in him. There is One God, One Worship, and He is only to be worshipped. There is One Lord, One Authority and religious authority is derived from Him alone. There is One Faith, and that One Faith is the One Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is only one baptism today, one action, and that action is complete burial in water for the remission of past sins. An immersion, submersion and emergence. There is one body, the Church over which Christ is the absolute head. One might as well believe in more than One God as to believe in more than One Church. In one spirit, one mind or disposition to possess the members of the one body. The gospel is God’s power to save and all who do not believe and obey the one gospel will not be saved.
To Become A Christian, The Bible Says:
“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”
(Romans 10:17)
“…for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins”
(John 8:24)
“…God..commandeth all men everywhere to repent”
(Acts 17:30)
“…with the mouth confession is made unto salvation”
(Rom. 10:10)
“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved…”
(Mark 16:16)

Join Ninth Street Church Of Christ for worship, connection, and service. Build meaningful relationships with fellow believers and grow in faith.
Greeter Ministry
Worship Ministry
Benevolence Ministry
Transportation Ministry
Young Adult Ministry
Marriage Ministry
Baptism Committee
Joshua Men's Ministry
Ladies Ministry
Evangelism Ministry
Media Ministry
Youth Ministry
Education Ministry
Kitchen Committee
Security Team

Sunday School - 9:30am
Morning Worship - 10:30am
Tues. Ladies Bible Class - 10:00am
Wed. Bible Class (Virtual) - 7:00pm
Care Group 4 Fitness Challenge Begins
Heart to Heart SundayEveryone Wears Red
Sisters Galentine's Brunch

At Ninth Street Church of Christ, we believe in the power of prayer and are here to support you in all areas of life. You are welcome to submit prayer requests for any of the following needs:
Self Prayer
Family Prayer
Marriage Prayer
Healing Prayer
Financial Prayer
Guidance Prayer
Protection Prayer
Guidance Prayer